The Meanings of Fatherhood in our Time

Headshot of Elliot Dorff
by Rabbi Elliot Dorff, PhD
posted on June 18, 2023
In the Torah, we are commanded to honor our father and mother (Ex. 20:12) and respect them (Lev. 19:3), but it is only later, in a second-century source recorded in the Talmud, that we get a sense of how the Jewish tradition construes fathers’ duties to their children: Read more...

The Path of Wisdom

Photo of Sam Rotenberg
by Rabbi Sam Rotenberg
posted on June 24, 2020
“If one found their father’s and their teacher’s lost property, their teacher’s lost object takes priority, for their father brought them into this world, but their teacher who taught them wisdom brings them into the world to come. If one’s father is wise, one’s father’s lost object takes priority…”  -From Mishna Baba Metzia, 2:11  Read more...