Artist and Art historian Zhenya Gershman, an IJC community member, organized a captivating panel that explores the meeting points of literature and painting by delving into works by Rembrandt and Kafka.
The panel will discover these men's unique ways of creating through mystification, concealment and parable, and learn how their artworks are connected to Jewish philosophy.
The event will be held at AJU, September 7, 2017, 7:30pm.
More about the presenters:
Andreas Kilcher, professor of Literature and Cultural Studies at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zurich, a prominent scholar of German-Jewish literature and culture
Zhenya Gershman, an internationally renowned artist and Rembrandt scholar, who has worked for over a decade in the J. Paul Getty Museum and is an alumnae of the IJC's Inquiry Fellowship.
Moderated by Christian Grusq, President of The American Institute for Levinassian Studies.
Contact Communications
Michelle Starkman, M.A., MBA
Vice President, Communications
(310) 440-1526