Heinrich Heine: Writing the Revolution

author in front of his book cover
Event Time
12:00 PM
No Cost


Event Details


Heinrich Heine: Writing the Revolution

12pm PST

Virtuoso German poet, satirist, and visionary humanist, Heinrich Heine’s dynamic life story matters urgently today, and can inspire all of us.

Join an illuminating conversation with author George Prochnik and AJU’s Prof. Michael Berenbaum, to launch his latest biography about Heine, and discuss the incredible re-discovery of Heine’s work and his times.

Buy Now: Save 40% + Free Shipping on Heinrich Heine: Writing the Revolution by George Prochnik. Use code AJUHEINE40 at checkout. Only at BUY NOW.  

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george prochnik

George Prochnik is the author of Stranger in a Strange Land: Searching for Gershom Scholem and Jerusalem. His previous book, The Impossible Exile: Stefan Zweig at the End of the World, received the 2014 National Jewish Book Award for Biography/Memoir.





michael berenbaum headshot

Michael Berenbaum is a Professor of Jewish Studies and Director of the Sigi Ziering Institute at the American Jewish University. He is a writer, a scholar and a creator of Museums. His work has been recognized by the Emmys and Academy Awards.


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Contact Name
The Whizin Center for Continuing Education
Phone Number
(310) 440-1572